The Final Countdown
Integreret kampagne
Wolt leverer lækker mad lige til dørtrinnet. For at gøre dette budskab klart, visualiserede vi den utålmodighed der kendetegner en madbestilling. Vores outdoor kampagne var iøjnefaldende billeder af folk, som var presset helt op imod deres ruder, imens de spændt holdt udkig efter deres Wolt bud.

Results /
54% of the young target audience (18 and 34 years of age) said the campaign was “Good” or “Very good”.
63% said that the campaign made it more clear that Wolt delivered delicious food.
52% campaign recognition.
54% of the young target audience (18 and 34 years of age) said the campaign was “Good” or “Very good”.
63% said that the campaign made it more clear that Wolt delivered delicious food.
52% campaign recognition.
Displayed in the transfer tunnel on Nørreport Metro Station for 14 days.
Ran on busses, outdoor media, and in shopping malls & gyms in the delivery areas.
Radio ads ran on national radio.
Displayed in the transfer tunnel on Nørreport Metro Station for 14 days.
Ran on busses, outdoor media, and in shopping malls & gyms in the delivery areas.
Radio ads ran on national radio.
Want to know more?

Managing Partner
Philip Engelund
+45 61 60 04 40
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+45 6172 9868
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1263 Copenhagen, Denmark / CVR: DK37941980