The Hardest Part
Is Choosing
Integreret kampagne
Wolt er en af de hurtigst voksende virksomheder i Europa. I takt med at forretningen ekspanderer og flere lande tilføjes til takeaway-tjenesten, vokser behovet for en ensartet fortælling på tværs af 20+ markeder. Den integrerede kampagne byggede på den universelle menneskelige indsigt, at det kan være virkelig svært at vælge, når udbuddet af mad er så stort og godt. Kampagnen kørte udover TV også både på out of home og digitalt.
Instruktør: Emil Dam Seidel
Results /
The brand platform was implemented across 16 markets in Europe and the Middle East, where local teams could develop their own assets on the concept.
The TVC ran on national television in multiple markets.
Localized activities utilizing the brand platform was executed across all touchpoints (eg. social media, OOH, newsletters etc.)
The brand platform was implemented across 16 markets in Europe and the Middle East, where local teams could develop their own assets on the concept.
The TVC ran on national television in 6 markets.
Localized activities utilizing the brand platform was executed across all touchpoints (eg. social media, OOH, newsletters, etc.)
Vil du vide mere?
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Philip Engelund
+45 61 60 04 40
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